
Build united.vote/nyc.

What’s united.vote?

See united.vote/sf.

Oh united.vote/sf is broken? Not anymore!

under construction

Construction is over! For now.

Day 6

Before: one bill

After: all bills

The change?

     const bills = oldBills.reduce((obj, bill) => Object.assign(obj, { [bill.bill_uid]: bill }), {})
      action.bills.forEach((bill) => {
 -      bills[bill.bill_uid] = bill
 +      // US legislature uid property name
 +      if (bill.bill_uid) {
 +        bills[bill.bill_uid] = bill
 +      }
 +      // SF legislature uid property name
 +      if (bill.uid) {
 +        bills[bill.uid] = bill
 +      }
      const newBills = _.orderBy(Object.values(bills), ['last_action_date', 'bill_uid'], ['desc', 'desc'])

Turns out the US legislature API gives each bill a bill_uid property, and /sf bill a uid. It got a bit lost in the context of the whole reducer.

  case 'SYNC_BILLS': // eslint-disable-line no-case-declarations
    const oldBills = (action.replace ? [] : state.bills[action.legislature || action.date] || [])
    const bills = oldBills.reduce((obj, bill) => Object.assign(obj, { [bill.bill_uid]: bill }), {})

    action.bills.forEach((bill) => {
      // US legislature uid property name
      if (bill.bill_uid) {
        bills[bill.bill_uid] = bill
      // SF legislature uid property name
      if (bill.uid) {
        bills[bill.uid] = bill

    const newBills = _.orderBy(Object.values(bills), ['last_action_date', 'bill_uid'], ['desc', 'desc'])
    newBills.synced = action.synced

    return { ...state,
      bills: { ...state.bills,
        [action.legislature || action.date]: newBills,

Which contains all sorts of quirks: a check for an action flag action.replace, a use of action.date as the flag to distinguish between US national legislature and SF city council bills, a parseable but not entirely clear one-liner where the context of || [] can get lost on either side of a :, a variable named bills which in the /sf case never actually contains any bills, and then a reference to action.bills which actually contains bills, but contains a bad property reference for the response data of the API. Minor schenanigans.

It’s a nice small PR, and fixes what’s broken.

And with that, I believe united.vote and united.vote/sf should now be working as intended. In addition, Eric’s PR, once merged, should have united.vote/nyc up and running as well. Not bad. What next?